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Enhance your skills over lunch!

11:00 am – 1:00 pm

UAH Campus // $49

** Lunch is included. **


301 Sparkman Dr.
Business Administration Building 312
Huntsville, AL 35899-0650

Turning Communication Into Connection

June 17  //  Instructor: JASON PARKS

World-renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell says if you want to succeed, you must learn how to connect with people. And while it may seem as if some people are just born with it, the fact is anyone can learn how to make every communication an opportunity for a powerful connection. The ability to connect with others is a major determining factor in reaching one’s full potential. It’s no secret! Connecting is a skill that can be easily learned and applied to personal, professional, and family relationships.


Leadership Gold

August 15  //  instructor: JASON PARKS

Discover the golden nuggets of leadership wisdom with John Maxwell's Leadership Gold. Explore Maxwell's timeless principles, derived from his extensive experience and expertise. Learn how to inspire and motivate teams, make wise decisions, and create a positive work culture that fosters growth and success. Unlock the secrets of exceptional leadership and become a true gold standard at any organization.


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Point of Potential

September 12  //  instructor:  KARAOCKAS (DOC ROCK) WATKINS, PH.D., TH.D.

Most people never realize their full potential but when you have the necessary tools and understanding of how to tap into your own potential, great things are possible. PoP teaches how to identify your dormant abilities and tap into your hidden talents and capabilities. It provides the opportunity to tap into the full potential hidden inside you and be all that you wish to and accomplish all that you desire to accomplish.


Conflict Resolution for Leaders

November 14  //  instructor: JASON PARKS

Conflict is an inevitable part of life and leadership. Difficult conversations, though uncomfortable, are essential. Avoiding them can harm in the long run. Learn empathetic listening, asking the right questions, understanding personalities and work styles, and effective intervention. Managed well, conflict can benefit your team and organization. This course teaches you to listen effectively, focus on specific issues, express your needs clearly, and see conflict as a growth opportunity. Practice and acquire new conflict resolution skills for better negotiation and issue resolution.


Cultivating Connection: Exploring Mindful Communication Techniques

January 23  //  Instructor:  CHRISTOPHER SMITH, MS-HRM

Leaders often face the challenge of initiating and facilitating discussions on interpersonal and intergroup conflicts within their organizations. This session focuses on enhancing participants' communication skills through interactive exercises. Attendees will learn to foster environments where colleagues feel validated and supported, regardless of the complexities of the issues or conflicts being confronted.


No Bad Days: Seize Your Opportunity

February 20  //  instructor:  KAROCKAS (DOC ROCK) WATKINS, PH.D., TH.D.

You cannot afford to have a Bad Day! Maybe a bad minute, maybe even a few bad hours, but not a bad day. You have too many people depending on you and too much responsibility to have a bad day. This lunch and learn addresses the stresses of everyday life dynamically and engagingly. It focuses on seven key characteristics that lay the foundation for daily personal and professional triumph: vision, attitude, belief, potential, confidence, enthusiasm/drive, and purpose. We help you develop a champion mindset and teach you how to maximize your day. Make it a good day, everyday!


The Six Human Needs

March 27  //  instructor:  CHRISTOPHER SMITH, MS-HRM

It’s really very simple – we all have needs. Yet the fulfillment of these needs can be anything but simple. This session will explore the six human needs necessary to live a fulfilling life. Further, attendees will examine how this can lead to success and increased contribution in the workplace.


Overcoming Stress and Burnout

April 10  //  instructor:  JASON PARKS

Understand how to conquer stress and burnout by attending Overcoming Stress and Burnout. Discover practical techniques to manage stress, maintain work-life balance, and promote a healthier lifestyle. Learn effective strategies to boost resilience, practice self-care, and cultivate a positive mindset. Explore valuable tools and insights that will enable attendees to thrive amidst challenges and foster a more balanced and fulfilling professional life.


Coaching Transformation

MAY 8  //  instructor:  JASON PARKS

Unlock the power of coaching to drive transformational change in any organization by attending Coaching Transformation. Explore the principles and practices of effective coaching and learn how to inspire and empower others to reach their full potential. Discover how coaching can enhance communication, collaboration, and individual growth within teams. For managers, team leaders, or aspiring coaches, this session will equip attendees with valuable skills to create a high-performing and motivated workforce.


Active Listening Techniques

June 5  //  instructor:  Tammara Buckey, MBA, EMPA, CFE, CDFM-A, LSSBB, PMP

This lunch and learn is designed to equip participants with essential skills to enhance their communication abilities through active listening. Participants will learn a variety of techniques, including paraphrasing, reflecting, and summarizing, to demonstrate understanding and empathy when engaging with others. Through interactive exercises and practical demonstrations, participants will develop the ability to maintain eye contact, ask open-ended questions, and provide constructive feedback. By the end of the lunch and learn, attendees will have the tools to foster better understanding, build stronger relationships, and improve overall communication effectiveness in both personal and professional contexts.


Meet the Subject-Matter Experts

Tammara Buckey, MBA, EMPA, CFE, CDFM-A, LSSBB, PMP

Owner and CEO of Raise Your Own Bar LLC

Jason Parks

Maxwell Leadership Certified Leadership Development Coach, Professional Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Founding and Senior Pastor of Refuge Church, Founding and Senior Pastor of Church at My House

Christopher Smith, MS-HRM

Diversity Initiatives Coordinator, The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)

Karockas Watkins, Leadership Instructor

Karockas (Doc Rock) Watkins, Ph.D., Th.D.

Chief Executive Officer/President, Vision Excellence Company (VEC)

Interested in taking your leadership to the next level?

Apply for the next cohort of the Leadership Accelerator Academy!