Asset Management Announcement 

Starting Fiscal Year 2023, all equipment, including computers, costing $5,000.00 or more will be tagged and tracked.  All Federal equipment regardless of the cost will be tagged with a Government Property tag.  

Please email for additional information/clarity. 

All desktop-laptop-tablet computers and servers costing $1,000 to $4,999 will be tagged and tracked
with a non-capital bar code label. All equipment costing $5,000 and above will be tagged and
tracked with a capital equipment bar code label. All federal equipment, regardless of cost, will be
tagged with a government property bar code label.

According to University policy and state law, tagged and tracked assets must be inventoried every two
years. Federally titled property is inventoried every year.

The accountability of equipment lies with the budget unit heads of each department and center.
Please call Asset Management for information concerning:

  • Controlling property
  • Equipment screening
  • Disposing of surplus and/or obsolete equipment
  • Obtaining surplus material and equipment
Asset Management’s main function is data collection and recording. The accuracy of that data
depends on the cooperation of each department and center to inform Asset Management of
equipment changes. Departments should notify Asset Management of any equipment changes or

transfers by completing and submitting the Property/Relocation Transfer Form (available for download from the forms page)

                                       Uniform Guidance
                           Micro Purchase Threshold Update

On June 20, 2018 the Office of Federal Financial Management issued a memo (m-18-18) stating that

the federal micro purchase threshold had been raised from $3,500 to $10,000. Purchases under

$10,000 will no longer require additional documentation of competition, but will follow the standard

policies and procedures (Policies & Procedures Manual-Procurement Services, Rev. Nov. 2016,

Section VII.2, Bids and Pricing Guidelines). Purchases of $10,000 or more will require additional

documentation of competition. Purchases of $15,000 or more will be bid or declared a sole-source.

Revised April 17, 2019.

Check the following links, Asset Master for a listing of all equipment that may be already on campus, and potentially available for use by your department.

    To comply with paragraph (d) of CFR 200.318 "General Procurement Standards" which states: The non-Federal entity's procedures must avoid acquisition of unnecessary or duplicative items.

    This master asset listing is provided as a reference to the campus community. This listing will be updated, to this site, on a monthly basis.


Records Management - State of Alabama

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