ravigorurDr. Ravi Gorur joins the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UAH as Professor and Department Chair. Dr. Ravi Gorur graduated with the Ph.D Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Windsor, Canada in 1986. He joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Arizona State University in 1987 as an assistant professor, became a full professor in 1995, Director of Undergraduate Studies in 2006 and Program Chair of the Electrical Engineering Program in 2010.

Ravi has supervised numerous research projects sponsored by the government, utilities and industry in the field of electrical insulation and has coauthored a textbook and over 200 papers in IEEE transactions and conferences on the subject of outdoor insulators. He served as the US Representative to CIGRE Study Committee D1 (advanced materials and systems), chaired various technical committees in the IEEE that was responsible for the development of technical standards and state-of-the-art papers in this field. During May 2013-May 2014, he was on an IPA (Intergovernment Personnel Act) assignment at the US Department of Energy where he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of The Power Systems Engineering R&D division in the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, where he was responsible for research in three major areas: smart grid, energy storage and cyber security for energy delivery systems.

Ravi was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 1998 for contributions in the field of polymeric materials for outdoor insulation. In 2011, he received the Claude de Tourreil life time achievement award for contributions to the field of outdoor insulators.