Welcome to the UAH Theatre Program Merge your academic interests and your artistic passions with a degree in theatre from UAH! We have several areas of specialization: Film & Media Arts, Performance, and Technical Theatre & Design. Each is designed to prepare you for a smooth transition into the world of professional theatre & film – something our successful, active theatre alumni can attest to! REQUEST MORE INFORMATION Recent News UAH Holiday Jazz presents gifts of talent and inspiration at third annual event on Dec. 10 Dec 20 A blue Christmas of the very best kind unfolded on the campus of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) on Dec. 10. Students and … Upcoming Events Lowe Mill A&E Studio 1047 The multiuse studio hosts classes, speakers, events, and exhibitions. The studio space also hosts current students to be artists in residence, giving them a public space to create in and sell their artwork. Contact Us College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences For the Office of the Dean dean-ahs@uah.edu 256.824.6200 For Prospective Students cahs@uah.edu 256.824.6202 Follow Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences
UAH Holiday Jazz presents gifts of talent and inspiration at third annual event on Dec. 10 Dec 20 A blue Christmas of the very best kind unfolded on the campus of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) on Dec. 10. Students and …