Graduate Costs

UAH is consistently ranked the #1 return on investment among all colleges, public and private, in the state of Alabama.

2024-2025 Graduate Cost of Attendance

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the total full time cost of attendance for graduates is estimated to be $32,437 for full-time resident graduate students and $48,922 for full time non-resident graduate students. These figures include the standards of tuition, college fees, room, board, books and supplies, transportation, and a small allowance for miscellaneous expenses. Some students will spend more, while others may spend less than the estimates depending on your personal preferences and circumstances. We use the estimates below when determining eligibility for need-based financial aid. Please note also that you may pay a different amount dependent upon your specific course of study and that all costs are subject to change.

The term Cost of Attendance (COA) refers to an estimate of total expenses that students may incur while attending UAH for the academic year which will include direct institutional costs as well as indirect costs. This estimate is utilized in the mandated calculation to determine a student's eligibility for Title IV Federal Financial Aid programs consisting of grants, work-study and student loans; however, students may wish to refer to these estimated expenses to assist in their budget planning process. These COAs include tuition, mandatory fees, room, board, books & supplies, transportation, miscellaneous expenses and loan fees. Cost of Attendance is also segmented by enrollment status and student housing.


(Full Time)







Tuition $11,334 $27,216
Course Fees $1,054 $1,054
Food & Housing $12,428 $12,428
Books & Supplies $2,662 $2,662
Transportation $1,809 $2,412
Miscellaneous $3,014 $3,014
Loan Fees $136 $136
Year Total: $32,437 $48,922

*Residents of Alabama and select counties in Tennessee (Bedford, Coffee, Franklin, Giles, Lawrence, Lincoln, Marshall, Moore and Marion).


Ranking sources:,,