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The FY2025 NASA EPSCoR “Rapid Response Research (R3) Opportunity” is now live! You may find the official solicitation on the NASA NSPIRES website.

There is a major change in this year’s opportunity - the Alabama NASA EPSCoR Director, Dr. Dale Thomas, no longer has to be the Private Investigator (PI). In fact, the Alabama NASA EPSCoR Office is out of the loop for the R3 solicitation, as each institution submits proposals directly to NASA.

A few other noteworthy changes:

  • Maximum funding request per proposal is $125,000
  • Proposers (Principal Investigators and Science Investigators) that have an active NASA EPSCoR Research award (Basic Research, ISS and R3, Sub-orbital Flight Opportunity) are not eligible to apply for the R3 program. Proposers that have active Research Infrastructure Development (RID) sub-awards are eligible to apply for this solicitation.
  • Previously awarded EPSCoR Research Science Investigators (Research, R3, ISS, SFO), awarded within the last three years, FY22-FY24, are not eligible to apply for the R3 program. RID sub-awards recipients are eligible to apply for this solicitation.
  • Letters of support from the Alabama EPSCoR director are encouraged

Only three proposals per institution within the Alabama EPSCoR jurisdiction can be submitted, and the process for managing that is the responsibility of the institution. So, please work with your university’s Campus Director/Office of Sponsored Programs/Proposal Development Office to ensure only three proposals are submitted. You may find contact information for your Campus Director on our website directory.

Proposal Submission Deadline: 02/26/2025 at 11:59 PM ET

If you require any further information, feel free to Brooke Graham (brooke.graham@uah.edu).