As we begin a new academic year, many of you may be planning collaborations with international colleagues as a part of an active and robust research agenda.  Recent developments with the implementation of stricter policies for visa holders by our government has required us to be vigilant in gathering and reporting of information about foreign nationals on our campus. We have a responsibility to report all visitors and demonstrate that we have effective safeguards against divulging sensitive information or ITAR restricted information. There are severe penalties which could include fines, jail time or termination, associated with violations of these laws. We want to ensure that all of our faculty and staff have followed the appropriate protocols for foreign visitors. Any breach in our process could have very negative implications for our research awards with our corporate and government sponsors. Below we have outlined the process that is required to protect the university and each of us. 

Prior to issuing a letter of invitation to an international visitor, University employees must contact the Office of International Services and the Office of Research Security and provide the required information about the international visitor to maintain compliance with requirements of The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and The United States Department of State. Moreover, research security protocols for Department of Defense cleared programs are also required. 

Academic units, research centers, faculty and staff hosts must advise the Office of International Services and the Office of Research Security before issuing an invitation letter to international visitors who are traveling to UAH from outside of the U.S. In addition, we ask you to notify these offices of international visitors who are currently in the U.S. on a non-immigrant visa type. These offices will advise the academic units, research center or faculty on the immigration documentation and security measures required prior to international visitors arriving on campus. 

International collaboration and research partnerships are integral to the University and our goals of education, innovation, and discovery.  The Offices of International Services and Research Security look forward to working with academic units, centers, and faculty in continuing our institutional commitment to international collaboration and exchange.

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