Request for Proposals (Deadline Extended) UAH Distinguished Speaker Series 2020-21 

We have extended the deadline to accept proposals for the Distinguished Speaker Series for Academic Year 2020-21. The deadline for proposals is Monday, January 18, 2020. Proposals must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file to Joseph Taylor, (reference Distinguished Speaker Series in the subject line). Please feel free to contact Dr. Taylor by email for any questions regarding the submission process.  

In a normal academic year, the University of Alabama in Huntsville Distinguished Speaker Series provides academic departments or units with an opportunity to bring speakers of national and international reputation to the UAH campus. Due to the circumstances of the COVID pandemic and the associated safety protocols in-place on our campus, the Distinguished Speakers Series will award proposals for virtual events in Academic Year 2020-2021. These events should be open to the entire university community as well as the general public. The objectives of the Series remain to enrich the academic environment at UAH, enhance the national and international reputation of UAH, and to establish new contacts with distinguished scholars in disciplines of importance to the mission of UAH.

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