Parking just got a little brighter.

As part of UAH’S new Campus Energy Management Program, UAH has partnered with Huntsville based company Inergy Solutions. The purpose of this partnership is to assess the lighting needs for the Intermodal Facility (IMF) parking garage and the adjacent parking lot W20.

The joint collaboration resulted in an innovative LED lighting replacement upgrade project that will significantly improve illumination, reduce long-term operational costs and increase campus safety.

This Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) replaced the following:

  • 153 old metal halide fixtures in the parking deck interior.
  • 12 pole-mounted fixtures on the IMF upper level and in parking lot W20.
  • 19 wall packs along the exterior side of IMF.
  • 9 exit signs in IMF.

The metal halide lights were at end of life and thus had high failure rates. The frequent repairs also caused disruptions for those who regularly park in IMF.

“The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), is always focused on the safety and security of our campus community. Projects such as the IMF and W20 lighting upgrades not only help to address safety considerations, they have the added benefit of overall aesthetics,” said Kevin Bennett, UAH Chief Risk & Compliance Officer.

This exterior lighting upgrade will help to improve campus safety and security with better illumination, reduce maintenance costs from outages and repairs, and decrease disruptions at the Intermodal Facility.

ECM’s like this project will also contribute to the UAH energy reduction goal by reducing the electrical consumption at these locations by 60%, which equates to an annual savings of approximately 278,918 kilowatt-hours. The cost for this project was approximately $48,000 USD and will save the 

University nearly $20,000 a year with a simple payback of two and one-half years.

With the help of our newly hired Director of Utilities and Sustainability, Claire Jackson, Facilities and Operations will continue to develop and implement short- and long-term energy strategies that reduce energy consumption, lower utility costs, and improve campus sustainability.

Lighting and mechanical ECMs are beneficial to a sustainable Energy Management Program and will ultimately benefit the entire campus community.

Intermodal Facility Parking Garage - Before

Intermodal Before

Intermodal Facility Parking Garage - After

Intermodal After

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