UAH would like to recognize all faculty and staff who have reached or will reach a significant milestone service anniversary in 2022 or 2023. Please join the University community as we honor those who have contributed many years of valuable service to UAH.

All employees who reached a milestone service anniversary have been mailed a certificate of appreciation, a letter from UAH President Dr. Charles Karr, and instructions on how to redeem their service award. Certificates and award information for 2022 awardees were mailed out last week. Awardees who will reach a service milestone in 2023 will receive their certificates and award information at the end of the month in which they reach their milestone service anniversary (five years of full-time regular service and for each five years thereafter:10, 15, 20, 25 etc.) 

UAH plans to hold a ceremony and reception for those employees who have reached a monumental milestone anniversary of 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 years of service with UAH. A special invitation will be sent to those individuals and their manager. Please let us know if you do not receive this email invitation. 

Please see the UAH Awards website to view a complete list of award recipients by year & department and a special message from Dr. Karr. We would like to thank these employees for the excitement and passion that characterize their continued commitment to excellence in teaching, research, and service. Please join us in extending our congratulations to these employees as we celebrate their service milestone.  

Please contact Human Resources at 256-824-6640 or if you have questions or need additional information. 

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