You may be asking yourself, “Why should I take the time to write a QEP Pre-Proposal? I already have enough on my plate!” We get it. However, it won’t take much time, and there are incentives.

  • The Pre-Proposal is SHORT. All you need to submit is two pages’ worth of ideas in this short, easy-to-fill form.
  • There is FINANCIAL INCENTIVE. When reviewing pre-proposals, we will choose up to three for final consideration. Those teams will each be given $2,000 in order to create a full proposal. 
  • PAST SUCCESS: previous QEPs led to the creation of the Student Success Center and the ETLC, which have supported and enriched students’ lives on campus. You, too, can potentially leave a lasting legacy for our students!


We know these pre-proposals may seem challenging and just another task on an already full plate. But the resulting idea could mean making a real difference in the reality of students’ lives. When it comes to helping our students, nobody knows better than YOU, the members of the UAH community. We value your ideas and want to hear them!

Please submit any questions to Again, we want your input, so submit a Pre-Proposal by March 20!

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