
Dr. Christine Curtis, UAH Provost and Dr. Helen T. McAlpine, President, J.F. Drake State College, signed an articulation agreement creating a Pathways Program between the two institutions.

Michael Mercier | UAH

J. F. Drake State Community and Technical College and The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) announced plans today to create a partnership that will clear a path for Drake students to earn a bachelor’s degree from UAH.

The Pathways Program between the two institutions will allow Drake students to enroll in both schools to simultaneously complete a two-year degree at Drake, while also beginning to take courses at UAH. The ultimate goal is for students to have a smooth transition to UAH.

This initiative can lead students to earn a bachelor’s degree from UAH after they have completed their academic requirements at Drake. Students begin their coursework at Drake, and then once they meet UAH’s admissions criteria they can transfer to UAH to complete their junior and senior years.


“Drake State is pleased to be able to offer options to our students that enable them to continue their academic pursuits to more advanced levels after completing their studies at Drake," said Dr. Helen T. McAlpine, President, of J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College. "Our existing agreement with UAH has already provided dividends for many of our students specializing in engineering, business administration, and computer science. These new agreements offer our students a broader array of disciplines to choose from and provide affordable, streamlined access to the great programs offered by UAH."

"UAH is excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with Drake State in the Pathways Program. By being able to take UAH courses while they are enrolled at Drake State, the students will be prepared to move directly into their major when they transfer to UAH. This joint enrollment will assist students in being able to graduate in a timely manner," said Dr. Christine W. Curtis, UAH Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

For detailed information about the Pathways Program, please call 256.824.2773 or visit: uahadmissions@uah.edu.



Joyce Anderson-Maples

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