
Gloria Greene in her office at UAH’s Office of Sponsored Programs.

Michael Mercier | UAH

Gloria Greene, the director of the Office of Sponsored Programs at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), is the new president-elect of the Southern Section of the Society of Research Administrators International (SRA).

Employed in the UAH Office for Sponsored Programs for 20 years, Greene has served as its director since May 2014. Greene is a Certified Research Administrator, which means she has met the Research Administrators Certification Council's eligibility requirements and has demonstrated a level of knowledge necessary to be a professional research or sponsored programs administrator.

"This elected honor means a great deal to me," Greene says. She begins her two-year term as SRA Southern Section president on April 29. The Southern Section includes Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Puerto Rico.

"My election shows that my peers at these institutions have confidence in my ability to serve as president-elect, based on my knowledge of sponsored research administration, active participation in SRA meetings on the state, regional and national levels and on my work ethics, persistence and professional integrity," she says.

As president-elect, Greene will participate in the planning for the 2016 SRA conference and work on the site selection for it. She will ultimately help to run the conference.

"I really need to thank the UAH Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development," Greene says, "because without their support this would not be possible."