cyber mortar board
Michael Mercier / UAH

The U.S. Dept. of Justice's assistant attorney general for national security, John Carlin, will keynote a cybersecurity summit being hosted Sept. 24 by The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and Cyber Huntsville.

The summit is being conducted by the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Alabama, and led by U.S Attorney Joyce Vance, the top-ranking federal law enforcement official in the Northern District of Alabama. Attendance at the gathering, set for Charger Union Theater on the UAH campus, is open to the first 300 registrants.

Expert panelists from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the U.S. General Services Administration and private industry will discuss topics including:

  • The Cyber Threat - Why Industry Should Care;
  • The Intrusion - How to Prepare For and Respond to it;
  • Threat Environment from the Field; and
  • Small Business Issues - An Interactive Feedback Session.

"UAH has a strong partnership with Cyber Huntsville and has worked this past year with that organization on a variety of programs," says Dr. Ray Vaughn, the university's vice president for research and economic development. "We are especially appreciative to U.S. Dept. Of Justice Assistant Attorney Joyce Vance for organizing the speakers and obtaining support from Washington, D.C."

A leading research university with strong national cybersecurity credentials and 50 years of history in supporting Redstone Arsenal and the Cummings Research Park, UAH is facilitating the seminar by providing campus facilities and support.

"UAH has made a significant investment in cybersecurity as a key research priority and will continue to support our partners and customers in this community," Dr. Vaughn says. "The Huntsville community - federal, state, local and industry - is very attuned to the cybersecurity threat by the very nature of the work that is done here. UAH is a neighbor, a partner and part of the Huntsville family that has to work together to address this threat, which seems to be growing."

There is no charge to attend the cybersecurity summit, but attendance is limited to the first 300 registrants. Register at