gregtackett gregoryreed mikelpetty

Greg Tackett of the Alabama Modeling and Simulation Council, left, presents an appreciation award to UAH’s Center for Modeling, Simulation and Analysis. Receiving the award is Dr. Gregory Reed, as center Director Mikel Petty looks on.

Michael Mercier | UAH

The Center for Modeling, Simulation and Analysis (CMSA) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) was presented with an appreciation award by the Alabama Modeling and Simulation Council (AMSC) on Wednesday, Sept. 23, for its work in organizing the 2015 AlaSim International Conference and Exposition, which the university hosted in May.

Greg Tackett, a retired U.S. Army Senior Executive Service employee and former director of the Army Test and Evaluation Center on Redstone Arsenal who currently is an advisor for Clear Creek Applied Technologies Inc., presented the AMSC award. Receiving the award for UAH was Dr. Gregory Reed, the university's first Modeling & Simulation doctoral graduate. Dr. Reed did the bulk of the conference organizational work for UAH, according to Dr. Petty.

"To have had the AlaSim International Conference and Exposition here on the grounds of UAH gave it a lot of credibility," Tackett said while presenting the award. "The hard work you guys did is really appreciated."

Dr. Mikel Petty, senior scientist for modeling and simulation, and Dr. Ray Vaughn, UAH vice president for research and economic development, were present for the award ceremony.

"I know that Mikel and Greg did a lot of work in getting this event together, and the university appreciates their effort," said Dr. Vaughn.

AMSC is a longstanding group of industry, government and academic organizations working in, using or teaching modeling and simulation in Alabama.



Dr. Mikel Petty

Dr. Gregory Reed

Jim Steele