Why is the university charging a convenience fee for the use of my credit card?
The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is committed to providing students and their families a range of options for paying their educational expenses. The credit card payment method has become prohibitively expensive because of the fees credit card companies charge UAH. The University can no longer absorb these costs; therefore, effective May 1, 2018, a 2.85% non-refundable convenience fee is added to all credit/debit card payments to offset the credit card company's convenience fee. (A non-refundable 3.95% service fee will be added to all international credit/debit card transactions.) The convenience fee will show up as a separate charge on the cardholder's credit card billing statement. UAH does not receive any part of the fee.
If I use my debit card, will I be charged the convenience fee?
Yes. You may pay by E-Check (electronic check) to avoid the convenience fee.
How can I pay my student account and avoid the convenience fee?
- Online: E-check payments from checking and savings accounts will continue to be accepted online without a convenience fee.
- In Person: You may pay by cash, money orders, cashier's checks, traveler's checks, and personal checks at the Bursar's Office. After hour payments can be placed in the secure depository slot adjacent to the Bursar Office windows.
- Postal Mail: Mail checks or money orders to:
University of Alabama in Huntsville
ATTN: Cashier
Student Services Building, Room 123
Huntsville, AL 35899-5050
Do other universities collect convenience fees for credit card payments?
Yes. An increasing number of universities are collecting convenience fees for credit/debit card transactions.
Why can't I see the convenience fee charge on my bursar account?
The convenience fee is assessed by our third-party processor, not UAH, so it will not appear on your bursar account. Two separate transactions will appear on your credit card statement: one transaction for the student account payment and one transaction for the convenience fee.
Is the convenience fee refundable?
The convenience fee is non-refundable, even if the payment to which it relates is canceled, refunded, credited or charged back. Any convenience fee disputes must be taken directly to your credit card company.
What if I make a credit card payment for more than I owe on my bursar account?
UAH is required to refund any overpayments made by a credit card back to the credit card company. The convenience fee will not be refunded for the portion overpaid.