Ms. Reba White, a student in the Master of Science in Information Assurance & Security (MS-IAS) degree program at UAH, received a $5000.00 fellowship from National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA).  NDIA is America’s leading defense industry association promoting national security.  Students who were eligible for the fellowship were those currently enrolled in a graduate studies program, specifically pursuing a course of academic study directly related to Space and Missile Defense in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics.

Ms. White received her Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from The University of Alabama and received a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Vanderbilt University.  In addition to being enrolled in the MS-IAS program, she is currently working as a graduate research assistant at UAH’s Office of Technology Commercialization, working primarily on the Pratt Whitney Rocketdyne Venture Challenge.

The University of Alabama in Huntsville is a National Center for Academic Excellence in Information Assurance, certified by the National Security Agency and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.