To order vouchers, complete this form.CAPP Academy_Logo

Write a check in favor of UAH for the total amount of your order. Each purchase is limited to one voucher for each certification i.e. you may purchase only one Network+ and one Security+ voucher per purchase request. Vouchers are sold for your personal use and under no circumstances should be resold.

Orders will be processed only once a month on the last day of the month.  Orders with Pearson VUE will only be placed after checks have been deposited and funds credited to UAH.  All bank fees and university fees for returned checks will be applicable.  It can take up to 5 business days for Pearson VUE to process the order.  Vouchers will be e-mailed to your UAH e-mail account.

Current Academic Partner Pricing for CompTIA vouchers is:

  • Network+                           $129.00
  • Security+                             $180.00

If prices change, your order will be processed only after the difference has been paid.

You may order other Certification Exams provided by CompTIA – e-mail for pricing information.