RING is provided at no cost through grants by the NCAE-C program office located at the National Security Agency and through partnerships with CAE Community institutions.
(Grant Numbers: H98230-20-1-0333, H98230-21-1-0176, H98230-22-1-0312)

RING (Regions Investing in the Next Generation) is an online high school cybersecurity course that offers interesting and engaging content specifically for students and schools without an existing cybersecurity program. RING aims to mentor students down their career path, instilling ethics and pride in their profession along the way. RING is more than a collection of labs and presentations–it’s forging the tools that will shape the next generation of cybersecurity experts.

  • Students can achieve high school credit for RING in participating states.
  • Students can engage with each other and network with cyver professionals through the RING student organization.

Current Course Options

  • Spring 2025
  • Summer 2025
  • Full Academic Year 2025-2026

High school students who are interested in participating in a RING class should fill out the Student Enrollment Request Form.

  • RING is provided at no cost through grants by the NCAE-C program office located at the National Security Agency and through partnerships with CAE Community institutions.
  • Classes are online and asynchronous to accommodate student schedules.
  • RING grades can be reported for credit to participating schools.
  • Students can engage with each other and network with cyber professionals through the Ring Student Organization.

Information for Educators

Educators interested in using the RING curriculum or offering a RING course should complete the RING Curriculum Request Form.

  • RING course content is provided at no cost through grants by the NCAE-C program office located at the National Security Agency and through partnerships with CAE-C institutions.
  • The RING course consists of 180 content hours and includes detailed lesson plans, instructional slides, activities, hands-on labs, graphic organizers, review games, and assessments.
  • The RING program offers limited teacher and student accounts for a free cybersecurity range.
  • The RING program has an associated honor society and student organization.
  • RING has been vetted by Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (CAE-C) colleges and universities.
  • RING has been pilot tested with high school students.