How do I know if I need to register my event with the Office of Risk Management and Compliance?
All activities and programs involving interaction with children that are operated, conducted, or organized by any UAH unit or third-party organization, that is supported by or affiliated with the University, or occurring on University property.
Activities or programs include but are not limited to: overnight camps, instructional programs, community service, laboratory interns, day camps, academic camps, and sports camps whether operated on or off-campus (including virtual programs).
- Undergraduate and graduate academic programs in which individuals under the age of 18 are enrolled for academic credit during the semester the program occurs
- Events on campus open to the general public that children attend with their parents or guardians (e.g. official UAH athletic events, theater performances, etc.)
- Medical care given to children in a UAH patient-care setting
- Children employed by the University
A registration form indicating that parents/guardians or educational guardians will have care/custody of child participants, the program may not be subject to certain requirements under the CPP (such as required training and background checks for Program Staff). However, state law and University policy designate all University faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and representatives are mandatory reporters of child abuse and neglect. University Policy requires third-party entities and their employees, representatives, or volunteers that contract for use of University facilities or partner with the University on programs or activities involving interactions with Children to carefully review and abide by the University's Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect Policy. The Program Director should review and understand the mandatory reporting procedures, and is responsible for disseminating the reporting procedures to all Program Staff and volunteers.
Is there a deadline for registration?
The Child Protection Registration Form must be submitted four weeks prior to the start date of the program to allow time for completion of applicable training and background checks.
What if I do not submit the required paperwork within the four-week period?
There are several reasons we ask that the paperwork be submitted 4 weeks in advance.
- Those with care or custody of children will need to complete a background check. Background checks can take 5-7 business days to complete. If required checks are not returned with a “cleared” result before the event begins – then your event cannot be held on campus.
- If the required training is not completed before the event, you will not be able to host the event on campus.
What constitutes care and custody of a child?
- When a person is directly responsible for children
- When a person has authority over children
- When a person handles disciplinary measures of children
How does ORMC determine who has care and custody of children?
We perform a risk assessment based on the information provided on the Registration Form. Among other factors we consider:
What individuals are responsible for the care and custody of participants under age 18 during the program/activity?
- Parents
- Legal Guardians
- K-12 public school teachers and/or coaches; or
- Individuals other than those mentioned above.
What responsibilities do I have as the Event Point of Contact?
It is the event point of contact’s responsibility to ensure that all program staff/volunteers have met the requirements of the policy.
- Registrating the activity or program to the ORMC four weeks prior to the start date
- Ensuring that a safe transportation plan is in place explaining how the children will be transported to and from the event location.
- Ensuring that a residential program plan is in place explaining how and when the children will be monitored for any overnight stays - and who will be responsible for the overnight monitoring (if applicable)
- Ensuring that an emergency plan is in place, including guidelines for weather emergencies and for communicating and responding to emergency notifications
- Ensuring adequate communication with parents (i.e. parent packages) including but not limited to emergency contact information and liability waivers
Third parties must not hold themselves out to be, or give the appearance of, being an agent, servant, or employee of UAH.
What are the insurance requirements for Third-Parties?
Unless adjusted or waived by the ORMC, outside non-University organizations and individuals are required to obtain and maintain in force for the duration of the event or activity the following insurance coverages:
Commercial General Liability (“CGL”)
- Each Occurrence – Premises/Operations & Personal Injury: $1,000,000
- General Aggregate: $2,000,000
- Fire Damage Liability: $100,000
Sexual Abuse/Molestation coverage is required if at any time individuals other than parents/guardians are not present and responsible for the care/custody of children during the program.)
- Each Occurrence: $1,000,000
Commercial Automobile Liability is required if at any time and for any purpose one or more program participants will be transported by program staff and/or on behalf of the program)
- $1,000,000 per accident
Insurance Carriers
The policies must be issued by an insurance company licensed in the State of Alabama carrying a minimum A.M. Best’s rating of A- VII.
Certificates of Insurance
The University must receive a Certificate of Insurance (COI) one week prior to the scheduled event which shows coverage for all of the above insurance requirements. The name of the insured on the certificate should match your legal name shown on the Child Protection registration form and your Facilities Use Contract.
The Certificate of Insurance must include the statement:
“The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, for and on behalf of The University of Alabama in Huntsville, and their respective trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives are included as additional insured. Unless precluded by law, all policies waive the right to recovery or subrogation against the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, and their respective trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives. 30-day notice of cancellation provided.”
What are the staff to participant ratio requirements?
Programs or activities involving children should have a minimum of two individuals responsible for oversight. In large groups of participants, programs may need to provide additional oversight, depending on the intended activities. Regardless of the number of participants, at least 80% of the counselors must be age 18 or older.
Standards for day only camps are:
- One staff member for every 6 participants ages 5 and under
- One staff member for every 8 participants ages 6 to 8
- One staff member for every 10 participants ages 9 to 14
- One staff member for every 12 participants ages 15 to 17
Standards for overnight camps are:
- One staff member for every 5 participants ages 5 and under
- One staff member for every 6 participants ages 6 to 8
- One staff member for every 8 participants ages 9 to 14
- One staff member for every 10 participants ages 15 to 18
How do I know which Program Staff require annual background checks and training?
Individuals with care or custody of children during activities or programs must successfully complete required background checks and training before any interaction with children. Training instruxtions are emailed to each individual with care and custody. Third-parties may submit the UAH Child Protection Policy Background Check Attestation for Third Parties, or request that background checks be completed through UAH, but the third party entity will still be responsible for the associated costs.
Who do I contact if I run into any issues with the online training modules?
- If the training module does not automatically begin, please check to make sure all ad blockers on your browser are turned off.
- If the required courses are not located on your training dashboard, contact regarding enrollment status.
- Try logging in through a different browser than they previously used (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) or a different device (Tablet, iPad, Mobile Device) and let us know if the issue persists.
I am a third-party, and I do not remember my account password for the training. Who do I contact?
Third-parties who have forgotten their passwords may request a password reset by emailing
Does the ORMC need a copy of my training completion certificate?
No. We can see who has completed training. Please keep certificates as a part of your program records.
What if someone is injured during the course of the program or activity?
In the case of an emergency, call 911.
If the injured party is a UAH employee, they should notify the ORMC and their supervisor immediately, and submit the Employee Occupational Accident Report to the ORMC no later than two (2) days after the injury occurred. The ORMC will arrange for medical care if needed.
If the injured party is a UAH student, third-party entity, or program participant, a Non-Employee Accident Report to the ORMC.
If you need additional information or assistance, contact