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Mr. Fei Xu, a visiting graduate student of UAH from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology in China, who worked with Dr. Gang Li at CSPAR, has been admitted to the prestigious Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Space Weather Summer School. LANL is offered ever year and request applications from graduate students currently enrolled at a US university or abroad in the fields of space science, physics, aerospace, engineering, or related fields.

Xu and other students accepted to LANL will work on challenging research projects under the mentorship of a LANL scientists. Projects will cover a range of topics involving spacecraft observations, numerical modeling, and instrumentation of space plasmas and space weather. Students will also have the opportunity to attend a variety of lectures given by distinguished researchers at LANL.

Through a rigorous application process and reviews by an independent panel, Xu was selected to attend the summer school and receive a fellowship. The fellowship allows the student to cover travel costs to Los Alamos and living expenses while attending the summer school.

The summer school program will run from June 2 - July 25, 2014.

Please join us as we congratulate Mr. Fei Xu on his acceptance to The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Space Weather Summer School!