Section 3: Offenses within Respect, Collaboration, and Diversity

UAH believes and adheres to the principle that each member of this community has value and should be valued. To accept one’s value, one must see the value in all persons.  To strengthen this learning community each member must strive to discover what each person contributes every day.

Any student found to have committed one or more of the following acts of misconduct is subject to the disciplinary sanctions as outlined in Article VI:

3.01 Hazing:  Endangering the mental or physical health or safety of an individual or group for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. Any definitions, requirements, violations, accommodations, prohibitions, and sanctions outlined in the University’s Hazing Policy are incorporated herein by reference and can be found in their entirety in the Hazing Policy.

3.02 Abuse:  Physical abuse, mental abuse, or assault of another person.

3.03 Threats:  The commission or threatened commission of physical abuse or violence to another person, including discriminatory actions involving protected classes of people.

3.04 Dating or Domestic Violence:  Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature or is in a domestic living situation with the victim

3.05 Sexual Misconduct:  The University prohibits sexual misconduct and any related retaliation.  Any definitions, requirements, violations, accommodations, prohibitions, and sanctions outlined in the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy are incorporated herein by reference and can be found in their entirety in the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

3.06 Harassment: Subjecting a person to physical contact, directing language, or gesturing that is abusive or obscene with or without the intent to harass, including discriminatory actions involving protected classes of people.  Any definitions, requirements, violations, accommodations, prohibitions, and sanctions outlined in the University’s Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy are incorporated herein by reference and can be found in their entirety in the Non-Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Resolution Policy.

3.07 Bullying:  Bullying and cyberbullying means engaging in repeated and aggressive behaviors that intimidate, intentionally harm, control, or seek to control another individual physically, mentally, or emotionally in a way that effectively denies an individual equal access to University resources and opportunities. Behavior meeting this standard may involve: teasing, social exclusion, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, theft, sexual, religious or racial harassment, public humiliation, or destruction of property.

3.08 Retaliation:  It is a violation of this Code for any student to retaliate or allow retaliation in any manner against a member of the University community who, in good faith, reports a suspected violation of this Code to University officials or participates in any aspect of the conduct process relating to a suspected violation. This includes, but is not limited to, efforts to retaliate either directly or indirectly against an individual as well as direct or indirect retaliation against that individual’s family, friends, and associates. Retaliation based on the outcome of the conduct process is also prohibited.