Will I need my own computer as an engineering major at UAH?

Yes.  As an engineering major at UAH, you will make extensive use of computing resources as you complete your coursework.  All incoming first-year and transfer engineering students are required to have their own laptop computer, that meets or exceeds the posted specifications, for completing their assignments.  A link to the current document outlining the minimum hardware/software specifications for the required laptop computer may be found via the following URL.


What is the difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Science?

Computer Engineering is a combination of knowledge from the areas of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics tailored to give graduates the ability to design, implement, optimize, and test computer software and hardware systems.  Computer programming is a fundamental skill for computer engineers, and many of our computer engineering graduates end up working as software engineers upon graduation.

The complexities of modern computer hardware makes knowledge of the underlying structure and operation of that hardware critical to optimizing software performance for demanding applications including self-driving cars, missile defense, robotics, machine learning, and the Internet-of-Things (IoT).  The detailed hardware knowledge gained by pursuit of a degree in computer engineering also facilitates entry into specialized areas of cybersecurity such as hardware reverse engineering. 

Computer science curricula have less emphasis on the study of computer hardware design and the underlying mechanics of how digital circuitry actually operates since they omit the electrical engineering coursework on circuit design, electronics, and signal processing.  

Since computer engineers are required to take courses in circuit design and electronics, computer engineering graduates are prepared to characterize and optimize the power consumption of software intended for use on battery-powered devices including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.  

How does the Bachelors in Computer Engineering (BS-CPE) differ from the Bachelors in Cybersecurity (BS-CBSY)?

The BS-CPE requires students to complete multi-course sequences in both software engineering and computer hardware design.  The software engineering course sequence for the BS-CPE is similar to that required of the BS-CBSY students.  The computer hardware design sequence includes additional electrical engineering courses on circuits, electronics, and signal processing that are not a part of the BS-CBSY degree program.  The BS-CBSY degree program includes specialized cybersecurity courses in place of coursework on circuit design, electronics, and signal processing.

The BS-CPE degree program requires students to complete four elective courses, allowing the students to either specialize in one area such as software engineering, cybersecurity, computer hardware design, or electrical engineering OR students may establish a broader knowledge base by selecting a variety of courses from multiple areas.  

Does UAH offer an undergraduate degree in Software Engineering?

UAH does not offer an undergraduate degree in Software Engineering. However, both the Bachelors in Computer Engineering and the Bachelors in Cybersecurity degree programs require students to complete a sequence of courses in software engineering.  There are also opportunities for students to complete additional elective courses in software engineering, so no separate bachelors degree is required for those interested in studying software engineering.

What entry-level job opportunities are available to Computer Engineering graduates ? 

Computer engineering majors may work as Software Engineers/Software Developers, Computer System Analysts, Computer Hardware Engineers, Software or Hardware Test Engineers, or in one of the many varied roles within the cybersecurity field.  

What entry-level job opportunities are available to Cybersecurity graduates ? 

There are a broad array of entry-level job opportunities available to cybersecurity graduates including

  • Penetration Tester (for Systems/Networks or Applications)
  • Security Analyst
  • Digital Forensic Analyst
  • Security Engineer

These jobs span the gamut from day-to-day cyber defense and incident response to proactive cybersecurity focused on identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities in systems and products to prevent future attacks.

What is the typical starting salary for a computer engineering or cyber security graduate ? 

As of 2021, anecdotal feedback from our recent bachelors degree graduates suggest that starting salaries in the Huntsville area range from $50K-$100K per year, with salaries from $75K-$85K being quite common.  

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes national and regional average salary data for a variety of science and engineering fields.  This data for the Huntsville, Alabama area may be accessed via the following URL.


Why consider the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering if I already know that I am interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity?

Computer engineering is more broad. It teaches you the fundamentals of computer hardware and software.  With the degree you can design a new computer from scratch, match computer hardware to a problem (enough memory, speed, etc), and write new software. In CPE students can choose cybersecurity electives without narrowly focusing on cybersecurity. This lets a student decide where to focus as they learn more about computing throughout the program and allows students to pursue a broader array of jobs.

How easy is it to switch between engineering majors ?

All engineering majors have the same First Year. So, change during the First Year is very easy. As a student progresses in a major, changing becomes more costly.  However, students can still change majors without much penalty through the sophomore year.

Does UAH have an accelerated Bachelors-Masters degree program?

UAH offers a Joint Undergraduate-Masters Program (JUMP).  Undergraduate students accepted into JUMP may double-count several graduate-level courses taken as an undergraduate for BOTH their undergraduate degree and their masters degree.

Advantages of JUMP include:

  • Reduced time to complete both degrees;
  • Lower cost for completion of both degrees since the double-counted graduate courses are billed at the lower undergraduate tuition rate; and
  • Streamlined transition into graduate school at UAH since the GRE requirement is waived for entry into the graduate program.

Undergraduates interested in JUMP may apply to the program as rising juniors.

For more information, please contact the Center for Undergraduate Engineering Education via the following URL.


Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing field.  Are there any scholarship opportunities available for those interested in studying cybersecurity?

UAH offers the CyberCorps:Scholarship for Service (SFS) and the Department of Defense Cybersecurity Scholarship Program (CySP).

More information about these scholarships is available via the following URL.
