Submission Deadline for the Writer's Block: One Giant Leap

Monday, October 31, 2016 The event started -2888 days ago




The Writer's Block is proud to announce this year's Literary Magazine: One Giant Leap!

We are looking for the best authors, poets, playwrights, and screenwriters on campus to add to the growing collection of student works archived in The Writer's Block Literary Magazine! The deadline to submit a poem, short story, or script to this year's magazine is Halloween, October 31st at 11:59 PM.

There is a limit of 3 written submissions per person.

Written works must have a word count no greater than the following:

  • 1,500 words maximum for short stories
  • 1,000 words maximum for screen/stage plays
  • 700 words maximum for poetry

All submissions, even if part of a larger story, must be complete and coherent in themselves without the need for a later continuation. During the anonymous judging process, pieces will be judged individually with no guarantee that each juror will receive all parts of a multi-part story.

All works must be original. Stories may not feature characters which are copyrighted by any person or legal entity other than the submitter. In other words, no fanfiction. (Brief allusions and pop culture references are okay.)

When emailing us your submission, please attach your work as an attachment and include the following personal information in the body of the email:

  • Your name (or pen name, if you're shy)
  • The title of your piece
  • Your T-shirt size (published authors and artists receive free T-shirts)

Submit your works as a Microsoft Word document (.docx) file.

One email per submission, please! You can submit multiple times as per the guidelines, but please send 1 email per 1 submission.

If you are submitting a written work, we request that your piece abides by the following rules so that it may be judged completely anonymously:

  • Do not include the piece's title or your name anywhere in the submitted document. With dozens of submissions, we cannot take the time to strip the name away from each piece before sending it to our jury.
  • Please avoid using colored text and play it safe by sticking to "vanilla" fonts such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial Black. (There are no restrictions on other text formatting options such as tabs, line spacing, etc.)

Think you fit the bill? Send your submission to


Student Orgs
College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, Art Art History and Design, Communication Arts, English, Student Life


The Writer's Block This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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