$mart $tart Salary Negotiation Workshop

Thursday, June 15, 2017 The event started -2660 days ago

8:30 AM12:30 PM

Student Services Building

Room 201

The $tart $mart campus initiative is a collaboration between AAUW and the WAGE Project.

A $tart$mart workshop is a workshop specially, but not exclusively, designed for junior and senior college women. Freshmen and sophomore women have participated in $tart$mart workshops, and graduate students, too. On several campuses, a few men have attended too. 

The workshop teaches a young woman how to determine what employers are paying for the job she wants when she graduates and how to negotiate to be paid what she is worth doing that job. 

$tart$mart is a genuine “workshop”. Participants get nuts-and-bolts, real world information. They learn about salary resources they can use. And, at the end of the session, they get an opportunity to apply what they learn in a highly engaging role-playing exercise.

Current students and alumni please log into Charger Path to RSVP your attendance.

Faculty and staff please send an e-mail to Career Services (chargerjobs@uah.edu) to RSVP your attendance.



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Student Services Building

301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, AL 35899

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