Extraterrestrial Additive Manufacturing

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 The event started -1345 days ago

11:30 AM12:30 PM


online meeting

The North Alabama Section (NAS) of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is pleased to welcome Dr. Judy Schneider as the NAS ASME guest speaker on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 11:30 am.  

The lecture will focus on Extraterrestrial Additive Manufacturing.  As space exploration efforts increase, so does the need for on-the-fly repair and in-situ fabrication capabilities. To meet this need, additive manufacturing (AM) has been identified as a front-runner for fabrication in extraterrestrial environments. Since transportation costs for going to the moon and beyond are a major factor in supporting extraterrestrial manufacturing, both the weight of the equipment as well as potential for utilization of in-situ resources must be considered.  Since the moon lacks an atmosphere and associated environmental erosion, there are two in-situ resources available in the form of regolith and meteoroids.  Chemical processing methods can be used to reduce and separate the elements of interest from either regolith or meteoroids.  Chemical separate of heavy elements produces “flakes” of powder.  Powder is used in two major AM processes, powder bed fusion and blown powder deposition.  This seminar will discuss the applicability of powder based AM schemes based on using in-situ resources. 

Dr. Schneider is currently a Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.  Her primary area of research is the engineering of microstructure by control of the processing parameters to obtain the desired mechanical performance of structural materials, especially under non-equilibrium conditions.  Much of her research centers on characterization of the microstructural evolution during either the processing or service life of the material. 

Dr. Schneider received her B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.  She spent 16 years in industry performing design and development of hardware for aerospace applications and human organ replacement, focused on compatibility of the material selection and fabrication methods for operation in harsh environments.  To gain a better understanding of material behavior, she earned her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science Engineering from the University of California – Davis in 1993 and 1996, respectively.  She worked at the Sandia National Laboratories in the USA on testing and characterization of electronic materials and the Max Planck Institute in Germany on testing and characterization of structural ceramics.   Recently she has been a guest scientist at the BAM Federal Institute located in Berlin Germany.    

All are welcome to attend. The meeting will be an online Microsoft Teams® meeting. For login details visit https://community.asme.org/north_alabama_section/w/wiki/7681.2020-2021-section-officers.aspx or search “North Alabama Section ASME” and select the “Meeting Time and Location” link for details. If you have any questions, contact HuntsvilleASME@gmail.com


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