Bill Number and Title
Bill Action
Bill 382
Notification to Senate of Deanships
- Received by FSEC 10/15/15 and forwarded to the Governance and Operation Committee for review and recommendation.
- Bill passed first reading on 9/8/16. It will be sent to the Faculty Senate for second reading 9.15.16.
- Bill did not pass second reading unanimously on 9.15.16. It will be on the agenda for 10.20.16.
Bill 388
Policy on Plus/Minus Grading
- A resolution was received from the SGA on 10/15/15. It was forwarded to the Undergraduate Scholastics. The committee was tasked to draft Bill 388 as a response to the SGA resolution. The Bill was submitted to the FSEC for discussion on 4/21/16. Few amendments were made and the Bill passed the first reading. The full senate took up the Bill on 4/28/16 and after a lengthy discussion, the senate recommended sending the Bill back to the Undergraduate Scholastics committee for further review.
Bill 396
Proposed Bill Proposing New Process for Small Grant Applications through the Office of Sponsored Programs
- Passed second and third reading 10/20/2016.
Bill 397
UAH Tuition Capital Campaign
- Received by FSEC 11/10/2016. Passed first reading 11/10/2016. Placed on agenda for faculty senate meeting 11/17/2016.
- Bill did not pass on 11/17/2017
Bill 403
Retention and Progress to Graduation
- Passed second and third reading on 5/04/2017.
Bill 405
Diversity and Inclusiveness
- Passed second and third reading 3/23/2017.
Bill 409
Revenue Sources for Development of Online Learning at UAH
- Passed second and third reading 5/04/2017.
Bill 418
Campus Sexual Assault Evidentiary Standards
- Received by FSEC 11/6/2017.
- Sent to Faculty and Student Development Committee 11-9-2017.
Bill 423
Updating OIT Policies
- Placed on faculty senate agenda 2-16-2018.
- Placed on faculty senate agenda 3-18-2018.
- Passed second reading unanimously 5-17-2018.
- Voted to send to Finance and Resource Committee 11-8-2018.
Bill 424
Science Direct Continuation for 2019 at UAH Library
- Received by FSEC 9-27-2018.
- Voted to send to committee 9-27-2018.
- Passed unanimously by the senate 11-15-2018.
Bill 425
Framework to Initiate or Expand Programs of Study
- Received by FSEC 10-4-2018.
- Voted to send to committees 10-4-2018.
Bill 428
Correlation between Retention and Graduation Rates a length of study days before finals
- Received by FSEC 12-4-2018.
- Passed first reading 12-4-2018.
- Failed to pass second reading 12-13-18.
Bill 431
Transparency in Flood-related Hazards in Shelby Center Bldg
- Received by FSEC 3/14/2019.
- Passed first reading 3-14-2019.
- Passed second and third reading unanimously 3-28-2019.
Bill 432
Tech Hall Upkeep
- Received by FSEC 3/14/2019.
- Passed first reading 3-14-2019.
- Passed second and third reading unanimously 3-28-2019.
Bill 445
Proposed Online Education Policy Approval
- Received by FSEC 2/13/2020.
- Passed first reading 2/13/2020.
- Passed third reading 4/8/2021.
Bill 453
This Could Be You
- Received by FS 10/22/2020.
- Passed first reading as Emergency Bill 11/5/2020.
- Referred by Senate to Gov. & Ops Comm., 1/28/2021.
Bill 454
Faculty Handbook Chapter 7
- Received by FSEC 11/2/2020.
- Sent to Personnel Committee 11/5/2020.
Bill 461
Modification of Section 9.3.5 Reduction of Teaching Load due to External Contract Funding
- Received by FSEC 4/1/2021.
Bill 473
Establishing a Consistent Yearly Budget for Graduate Teaching Assitantships
- Received by FSEC 10/6/2022.
- Passed first reading 11/10/2022.
- Voted to be sent to Finance and Resources Committee 12/8/2022.
- Proposer agreed to table bill.
Bill 474
Improving Transparency, Shared Governance, and Record Keeping in Reappointing Department Chairs
- Received by FSEC 10/6/2022.
- Bill deferred by FSEC on 2/16/2023.
- Proposer agreed to table bill.
Bill 475
Adjustments for Graduate Teaching Assistant Stipends
- Received by FSEC 10/6/2022.
- Proposer agreed to table bill.
Bill 479
Faculty Senate Handbook Chapter 4
- Received by FSEC 11/15/2024.
- Passed first reading 11/15/2024.
- Passed second reading 2/21/2025.
Bill 480
Recommendation for Dr. Luis Cruz-Vera to fill seat on Library Committee formerly held by Dr. Fat Duen Ho
- Received by FSEC 2/14/2025.
- Passed first reading 2/14/2025.