About The UAH Foundation (formerly Research Sites Foundation) was formed in 1956, thirteen years prior to UAH becoming an autonomous institution within the UA System. The UAH Foundation is a private nonprofit corporation that supplements the university’s fundraising activities and whose sole mission is to serve UAH. Its private donors are a vital part of the UAH support system. The UAH Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees. All donations to the UAH Foundation are confidential and protected from reallocation by the State of Alabama. Donors may designate the specific program they would like their gift to benefit. Endowed gifts are invested in The University of Alabama System Pooled Endowment Fund to maximize return. Board of Trustees S. Dagnal Rowe, Chair Marcus J. Bendickson, Vice Chair Linda J. Smith, Secretary John R. Wynn, Treasurer Amit Arora Philip W. Bentley, Jr. Kathy L. Chan Carl J. Gessler Linda L. Green James R. Hudson, Jr. Pamela Hudson William H. Johnston, Jr. Kim Caudle Lewis Elizabeth J. Lowe Peter L. Lowe Robert Mayes Ronald Poteat, Jr. Eric St. John Gurmej Sandhu A. Eugene Sapp, Jr. J. Michael Segrest Sangeeta Singhal Ina Wilson Smith Janice H. Smith Jean Wessel Templeton Lynn Troy Barbara Wadsworth Ken Watson Michael W. Wicks Ronald Gray (Ex Officio) Jeffery R. Gronberg (Ex Officio) Mallie S. Hale, Executive Director (Ex Officio) Charles L. Karr (Ex Officio) Sid J. Trant (Ex Officio) Trustee Emeritus C.H. "Tony" Chan John S. Hendricks Contact For Board of Trustees Information: UAH Foundation Student Services Building, 319 Huntsville, AL 35899 256.824.6127 uahf@uah.edu For Giving or Foundation Accounts information: UAH Advancement Services Shelbie King Hall, 316 Huntsville, AL 35899Att: Lisa Andrews 256.824.2105 lisa.andrews@uah.edu It's easier than ever to give to UAH! Click to access our secure online donation form. All major credit cards are accepted! Give Online Other ways to give