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Who will be UAH's Cutest Pet of 2020?

Faculty and staff will vote weekly for who they think is the cutest pet. Weekly voting will open Monday at 8:30 a.m. and close Friday at 5:00 p.m, starting September 7th. There will be five weeks of voting and the top two pets with the most votes from each week will be entered into the finals to determine the overall winner. Weekly winners will be announced every Monday on our Facebook page


New this year, we will have Who’s Who categories that may include:

  • Most Adventurous
  • Best Buddies
  • Best Smile
  • Most likely to…
  • UAH spirit Award


UAH’s Cutest Pet of 2020 is........

elisabeth johnson roryRory

Owner: Elisabeth Johnson, Asst. Dir., Housing Operation, Housing & Residence Life

 Age: 8 months

 Breed: Toy Poodle

 Bio: Hello friends! My name is Rory. My mom named me after her favorite show Gilmore Girls! My mom thinks I am super sassy but I think I am just a little playful. I love to eat and can never turn down a treat. I enjoy playing with anything I can chew on and I can't fall asleep without my stuffed piggy! I protect my Mom's house by barking at anything  that moves outside. I can also do a lot of tricks!! And, I love making new friends... Will you be my friend?



UAH’s Cutest Pet of 2019 is........


beau cutest pet of 2019


 Owner: Brooke Graham, Program Coordinator, ASGC

 Age: 5 years old

 Breed: Boxer

 Bio: Beau is super playful and active. He absolutely loves any kind of rope toy and   sticks. There is not a dog treat we have found that he doesn't like either, although   he prefers soft and chewy ones to hard ones I would say. He is extremely loyal and   always down for a ride, trail run, hike, walk, the beach, the river, you name it.  


All of the fur participants are viewable on our Facebook page in the Cutest Pet Photo Contest Albums.

Thank you everyone for making this a huge success this year. We had 65 entries and 7000 plus total votes.


UAH’s Cutest Pet of 2018 is........


henry cutest pet of 2018


 Owner: Dana Skelley, Curriculum and Instruction

 Age: 3 years old

 Breed: Orange Tabby

 Bio: Henry brings the party with him wherever he goes. He's never met a treat he   didn't like and enjoys spending free time chasing golf balls on hardwood floors,   guarding his backyard via the windows, and drowning toy mice in his water bowl. 


All of the fur participants are viewable on our Facebook page in the Cutest Pet Photo Contest Albums.

Thank you everyone who submitted photos this year and to everyone who voted. You made this a fun experience and we look forward to doing this again next year.