UAH Office of Diversity, Chargers for Sustainability host gala


Social sustainability and equality take center stage at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Social Sustainability Gala on Monday, April 11, on the university's campus.

UAH Chargers for Sustainability is a green campus network consisting of students, student organizations, faculty, staff, and community leaders all with a vested interest in sustainability (keeping biological systems diverse and productive indefinitely).

All UAH students are invited to the Social Sustainability Gala and inaugural dinner. The event will begin at 6:30 p.m., in the Shelby Center for Science and Technology Banquet Room (301). The guest speaker for the event will be Kenneth Anderson, City of Huntsville Office of Multicultural Affairs.

The gala is sponsored by the UAH Office of Diversity and Chargers for Sustainability. The event is free, but registration is necessary to attend the gala. Please fill out the registration form to reserve your seat by Monday, March 21. Door prizes will be given away and one lucky student will win the grand prize - an iPad Mini.


Haley Hix, UAH Chargers for Sustainability Coordinator

Immediately after the gala dinner, Huntsville community and UAH environmental and social justice leaders will serve as mentors for UAH students in their specific career fields and advise them on how to represent their unique culture, background, and identity in the dialogue on social sustainability as well as become more aware of other cultures.

"This event focuses on fostering a dialogue between students and the selected mentors on areas including social justice, diversity, and environmental issues such as clean energy," said Haley Hix, UAH Chargers for Sustainability Coordinator.

On a national level, social sustainability includes human rights, social diversity and inclusion, and the incorporation of culturally diverse groups. "Minorities are significantly underrepresented in environmental fields. Clean air, land, and water are the rights of all people… and inclusive representation helps prevent discriminatory practices," Hix added.

Kenneth Anderson, gala guest speaker is the Multicultural Affairs Officer for the City of Huntsville. He serves as a liaison between the mayor's office and the community regarding issues of race/ethnicity, gender, faith, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation and other matters related to multiculturalism. Anderson was previously employed at Calhoun Community College as the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Social Justice and Environmental Mentors pairing with students are:

  • Nikki Goode - Student Life/Affairs
  • Dr. Leland Cseke - Biology and Environmental Sustainability
  • Dr. Azita Amiri - Environmental and Social Sustainability
  • Dr. Wafa Orman - Social Justice and Diversity in Economics
  • Dr. Christina Steidl - Education, Inequality and Gender Inequality
  • Dr. Kyle Knight - Environmental Justice
  • Dr. Susan Friedman - Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice
  • Marica Pendelton - Environmental Health and Safety
  • Rucchi Singhal - Clean Energy and Sustainability
  • Haley Hix - Social Sustainability

UAH Chargers for Sustainability promotes outreach and educational events, but also pushes for changes that will help mold a sustainable future for the university. Within two months of its first meeting the group established the first ever Green Fund at UAH. The Green Fund is only available to students, and students must have a faculty or staff sponsor.

Students interested in applying for the Green Fund Committee or applying for sustainable projects can find the forms and requirements on their website: