What is the partnership between UAH and Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions?

The educational partnership between UAH Office of Professional and Continuing Education and Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions exists to allow working professionals an opportunity to take top quality courses at reduced tuition rates.

How do I register for courses?

Registration information can be found under Steps to Receive the Partnership Benefit.

How do I ensure that I am receiving the Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions partner discount on tuition?
  • Verify that your selection qualifies for reimbursement by your employer. Refer to your employer’s Tuition Assistance Policy for information.
  • Complete the registration form, identify yourself as an Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions Client Employee, and state the name of your employer.

Please note: Additional employment verification may be necessary after enrollment. Other discounts cannot be combined with the Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions partnership discount.

What documentation will I need to provide to Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions to receive reimbursement for payment?

There are two forms of documentation required.

  1. Receipt (Confirmation Letter)
    Participants will need a document showing proof of full payment. The Office of Professional and Continuing Education confirmation letter is the acceptable proof of payment. This letter is received via email or US Postal Mail, depending on the contact information provided during registration.

  2. Grade Report (Course Certificate or Transcript)
    Participants will need a document showing CEUs earned. When a course is completed, participants receive a certificate of completion for each course (which shows CEUs). If an entire program is completed, participants will also receive an overall certificate for the complete program (which does not list CEUs). Participants can send the course certificates as proof of CEUs earned. If certificates are misplaced, our registration staff can also provide a transcript of courses completed, which also provides a list of CEUs earned.
Where can I find additional information about the certificate programs and short courses UAH offers?

See Office of Professional and Continuing Education Program Topics for a listing of available short courses and certificate programs. Detailed descriptions and instructor bios will be provided for each individual course.

What courses qualify for the Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions Partner discount?

All "non-credit" UAH Office of Professional and Continuing Education courses qualify for the discount. However, it is the participants' responsibility to confirm that their course qualifies for reimbursement by their employer. Please refer to your employer's Tuition Assistance Policy.

Have other questions regarding the UAH and Bright Horizons EdAssist Solutions Partnership?

Contact the Partnership Liaison at 256.824.2808 for assistance or additional information.

For answers to other generalized UAH Office of Professional and Continuing Education frequently asked questions see: UAH Office of Professional and Continuing Education FAQs.