FAQ: The Waves

Works Cited

Supplied by Jim Reynolds.

Updated April 18, 1998
Created April 18, 1998

Alexander, Jean. The Venture of Form in the Novels of Virginia Woolf. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1974.

Ascher, Carol. "Reading to Write: The Waves as Muse." In Mark Hussey and Vara Neverow-Turk,eds. Virginia Woolf Miscellanies: 47-56.

Beer, Gillian. "Introduction" to The Waves. Oxford: Oxford U P, 1992.

-----. "The Life of Anybody." Virginia Woolf: The Common Ground: Essays. University of Michigan P, 1997.

Bloom, Harold, ed. Virginia Woolf. New York: Chelsea House, 1986

Caughie, Pamela L. Virginia Woolf and Postmodernism. Literature in Quest and Question of Itself. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1991.

-----. "Virginia Woolf's Double Discourse." In Marleen S. Barr and Richard Feldstein, eds. Disoriented Discourses: Feminism/Textual Interven-tion/Psychoanalysis. Urbana: University of Illinois P, 1984: 41-53. (Cited from McNeese 2: 483-937.)

Ferrer, Daniel. Virginia Woolf and the Madness of Language. Translated by Geoffrey Bennington and Rachel Bowlby. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Gordon, Lyndall. "Our Silent Life: Virginia Woolf and T. S. Eliot." In Patricia Clements and Isobel Grundy, eds. Virginia Woolf: New Critical Essays: 77-95.

-----. Virginia Woolf: A Writer's Life. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1984.

Gorsky, Susan. "'The Central Shadow:' Characterization in The Waves." Modern Fiction Studies 18, 3 (Autumn 1972): 449-66 (quoted from Eleanor McNees, ed. Virginia Woolf: 4).

Graham, J.W. "Point of View in The Waves: Some Services of the Style." University of Toronto Quarterly 39 (April 1970):193-211.  

-----. "Manuscript Revision and the Heroic Theme of The Waves." Twentieth Century Literature 29, 3 (Fall 1983): 312-32.

Gregor, Ian. "Virginia Woolf and Her Reader." In Eric Warner, ed. Virginia Woolf: 41-55.

Guiget, Jean. Virginia Woolf and her Works. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1965.

Harper, Howard. Between Language and Silence: The Novels of Virginia Woolf. Baton Rouge: Louisana State UP, 1982.

Henke, Suzette A. "Virginia Woolf's The Waves: A Phenomenological Reading." Neophilologus 73 (1989): 461-72.

Homans, Margaret. Virginia Woolf: A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice-Hall, 1994

Hussey, Mark. The Singing of The Real World: The Philosophy of Virginia Woolf's Fiction. Columbus: Ohio State U P, 1986.

-----. Virginia Woolf A-Z. Oxford UP,1995.

Lee, Hermione. Virginia Woolf. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997.

Lorsch, Susan E. Where Nature Ends: Literary Responses to the Designification of Landscape. Rutherford: Farleigh Dickinson UP, 1983.

Majumdar, Robin and Allen McLaurin, eds. Virginia Woolf: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975.

Marcus, Jane "Britannia Rules The Waves." In Karen Lawrence, ed. Decolonizing Tradition: The Cultural Politics of Modern Literary Canons. Urbana:U of Illinois P, 1991: 136-62. (Reprinted in Homans.)

-----. "Liberty, Misogyny, Sorority." Virginia Woolf and the Language of Patriarchy. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1987.

McConnell, Frank D. "'Death Among the Apple Trees:' The Waves and the World of Things." In Ralph Freedman, ed. Virginia Woolf: Themes and Variations: 171-81.  (Reprinted in Bloom.)

Minow-Pinkney, Makiko. Virginia Woolf and the Problem of the Subject: Feminine Writing in the Major Novels. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers UP, 1987.

Moore, Madeline. "Nature and Communion: A Study of Cyclical Reality in The Waves." In Ralph Freedman, ed. Virginia Woolf: Revaluation and Continuity: 219-40.

Naremore, James. The World Without a Self: Virginia Woolf and The Novel. New Haven: UP, 1973.

Poresky, Louise. "Eternal Renewal: Life and Death in Virginia Woolf's The Waves." In Mark Hussey and Vara Neverow-Turk, eds. Virginia Woolf Miscellanies: 64-70.

Raitt, Suzanne. "Fakes and Femininity: Vita Sackville-West and Her Mother." In Isobel Armstrong, ed. New Feminist Discourse: Critical Essays on Theories and Texts. New York: Routledge, 1992.

-----. Vita & Virginia: The Work and Friendship of V. Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Rantavarra, Irma. Virginia Woolf's The Waves. Port Washington: Kennikat Press, 1960.

Ricouer, Paul. Time and Narrative. Vol. 2 Translated by Kathleen McLaughlin and David Pellauer. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1985.

Ruotolo, Lucio P. The Interrupted Moment: A View of Virginia Woolf's Novels. Stanford: Stanford U P, 1986.

-----. Six Existential Heroes: The Politics of Faith. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1973.

Stewart, Jack F. "Existence and Symbol in The Waves." Modern Fiction Studies 18, 3 (Autumn 1972): 433-47.

Transue, Pamela J. Virginia Woolf and the Politics of Style. Albany: State U of New York P, 1986.

Zwerdling, Alex. "The Enormous Eye." Virginia Woolf and the Real World. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986.

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