Spring 2021 jury details coming soon.

Fall 2020 Jury Policy

In accordance with health and safety guidelines as well as university protocols for end-of-term remote instruction and online final exams, the Department of Music will administer Juries for Fall 2020 in a remote format.

 Fall Juries will be video recorded and submitted electronically by December 5, 2020.

  1. Jury content/repertoire is at the discretion of the instructor in consultation with the student.
  2. Accompaniment is encouraged but not required.
    1. Students may use a pre-recorded accompaniment (karaoke-style).
    2. Students may use a live accompanist.
      1. Masking and distancing requirements must still be observed.
      2. Be aware that the campus closes on November 20 for the remainder of the semester. Thus, Roberts Hall facilities and equipment are not available for use after this date.
  3. Students may elect to perform without accompaniment.

Video Jury Procedures

The video jury may be submitted in 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Record your jury. See below for tips on how to record the jury.
  • Step 2: Upload the recording to Youtube. See below for instructions.
  • Step 3: Submit the Jury by clicking on the Jury Submission button. 

Create your video jury

Your video should contain:

  1. A short introduction of yourself and your accompanist (even if the accompaniment was pre-recorded).
  2. Then announce what you’ll be performing (title/composer).

Recording Tips:

  1. Record your jury in one, continuous, unedited take. Do not turn off the camera between selections.
  2. Your face, fingers, valves, slides, sticks, etc. should be visible at all times.

Upload your jury to YouTube

  • Upload your jury to YouTube as an UNLISTED video.
  • Please check to make sure the permissions are set so that we can view it.
  • Secure a link to the video and copy/paste the link into the Jury Submission Form.

Fill out the Jury Submission Form

  • Fill out the Jury Submission Form by clicking on the button below.
  • Don’t forget to add the YouTube link to your video jury.
  • The Jury Submission Form will require you to attach your Studio Instruction Report. Make sure your instructor has filled it in and signed it. A blank form is available HERE.
  • Click Submit.