
Students will display and explain their research posters in Salmon Library during the Research Horizons Day Poster Session on Tuesday, April 12, immediately following the University Convocation.

Michael Mercier | UAH

The second annual Research Week at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) will be held April 12-15 and will begin in conjunction with the University Honors Convocation April 12.

Research Week is a campus-wide celebration to promote and recognize the research and creative work of students at the university.

"We want to celebrate our proud history of being a research university and create opportunities where everyone can network, share and have fun," says Dave Cook, coordinator of student research programs for UAH's Office of Academic Affairs and an event co-organizer.

Research Week's theme is "Recruit, Retain, Return: Research as an Investment." It is coordinated by the Office of Sponsored Programs, the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, the Honors College and the Graduate Students Organization.

The events are meant to give our students a chance to share what they have been working on.

David Cook
Coordinator of student research programs

All events are open to the general public.

"There is a lot of innovative research, scholarly activity and creative projects going on at UAH, and we're proud of the fact that students have the opportunity to get involved," says Cook.

"The events are meant to give our students a chance to share what they have been working on. Dissemination of research and creative projects is an important part of inquiry based learning," he says. "We also want students, faculty, researchers, staff and the local community to come together to look at this work in the hope of building relationships and collaborations. This year we're adding a Post a Pic promotion, so that students can post a photo of their favorite project from the poster display and win prizes."

Visitors from the local community are welcome at the Research Horizons Day Poster Session on Tuesday, April 12, immediately following the University Convocation. Graduate and undergraduate students, representing every college, will be displaying posters of their work in the Student Success Center of the M. Louis Salmon Library, and will be on hand to discuss their work and answer questions. That event continues until noon.

"We're very excited about this opportunity to celebrate the next generation of research and creativity on our campus," Cook says. "We look forward to holding this event annually and growing the involvement of students, faculty, researchers, staff and the local community."

Scheduled activities:

Tuesday, April 12:

  • University Honors Convocation (9-10 a.m., Chan Auditorium) & Research Horizons Student Poster Session (10:30 a.m.-Noon, Student Success Center, Salmon Library). Refreshments served.
  • Posters on Display Tuesday-Thursday. Post-A-Pic and win prizes!

Wednesday, April 13

  • 3-4 p.m., Library Rm. 111
    Guest Speaker: Dr. Robert Fredrick, professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and director of the Propulsion Research Center
    Topic: Promoting Research Relationships.
    Refreshments served.

Thursday, April 14:

  • 3-4 p.m., Shelby Science Center, Rm. 109
    Guest Speaker: Dr. Gordon MacGregor, assistant professor of physiology
    Topic: Undergraduate Research "Hands on:" The Most Important Learning Experience at UAH.
    Refreshments served.

Friday, April 15:

  • 1-3 p.m., Salmon Library, Rm. 111
    "So You Think You Can Research?"
    3-minute project sharing - 1 slide and 3 minutes to share your research.
    Host: Kristin T. Scroggin, founder and owner of Workplace Training Solutions and a Communication Arts professor.
    All majors are welcome. Refreshments served.

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