Bob Lyon is retiring from his position as Vice President for University Advancement effective May 8, 2018.
Bob has been a steadying force for the University by leading the Advancement Division for more than five years, while also serving as an able liaison with the UAH Foundation and UAH Alumni Association after he joined UAH in September 2012. 
The UAH Advancement Office has played a major role in supporting the University’s strategic plan. Among the many programs are specific goals for increased private philanthropic support, enhanced alumni programming, and focused efforts for marketing and events.
Lyon said his tenure was marked as a team effort by the staff in Advancement.
Some of the accomplishments of Advancement under Lyon’s leadership include:
• Alumni donors grew considerably, from 282 in 2012 to nearly 900 today
• Baseline giving grew 30 percent from $1.6 million to $2.1 million
• Collective unrestricted giving to the University and colleges grew 320 percent
• A $5 million gift commitment received in 2017 was the largest single gift from a donor in the University’s history
• The alumni relations staff increased the number of alumni events, in addition to the attendance at those events
• The marketing and communication team assisted in developing the university’s new logo and implemented the new web presence
We appreciate Bob’s service to UAH and wish him and his wife Gina the best in their future together. They plan to relocate to South Carolina to be near their grandchildren.

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