The Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee is charged with seeking nominations from faculty, alumni, students and the general community for the award of honorary degrees and as Commencement Speakers at UAH. The Committee is also responsible for screening such nominations and recommending candidates to the President for possible forwarding to the Trustees for consideration.

Policy established by the Board of Trustees governs the awarding of such degrees.

"Recipients of honorary degrees should be restricted to those persons outstanding in their contributions or service (1) to The University of Alabama Systems or to one of the System institutions; (2) to their state, nation, or the international community; or (3) in their professional or field endeavor.  Contributions shall include cultural, scientific, economic, or humanitarian activity.  The number of honorary degrees awarded shall be limited in number and restricted to persons of genuine distinction."

 This letter is a request for interested individuals to nominate qualified nominees to the Committee for consideration.  If you want to submit a nomination, please send a letter of nomination and a vita or background information suitable for screening purposes by September 11, 2018, for consideration by the UAH Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee.  

 Please note that the review process is quite long because, at the Board Committee's discretion, names that are forwarded to the Board may remain with the Board for at least one year before Board consideration.  Consequently, nominees from the UAH Committee to the Board of Trustees may not be approved for some time, if at all.  Because the "good name and character" of nominees may be discussed, the Board process is secretive.  Nominees should not be informed that they are being considered to prevent possible disappointment in case nominations are not approved.

The UAH Committee seeks to establish and maintain a list of candidates from which to consider nominees to the Board of Trustees.

            Nominations and inquiries should be addressed to:

                        Peggy Bower  

                        Office of the Provost

                        SSB 303




Dr. Christine Curtis, Provost and Executive V.P., Chair of Committee

Dr. Brent Wren, Associate Provost 

Dr. Robert Lindquist, Interim V.P., Research and Economic Development 

Dr. Marsha Adams, College of Nursing 

Dr. Sundar Christopher, College of Science

Dr. Michael Banish, Faculty Senate President 

Mr. Ray Garner, Chief of Staff 

Ms. LaFreeda Jordan, Assistant to the President

Ms. Ashley Dodson, SGA President 


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