The UAH Honors College in cooperation with The Office of Academic Affairs is glad to announce the sponsorship of a fully-funded Travel Award opportunity for 10 current UAH undergraduate students to present their research at this year’s National Conference on Undergraduate Research. The conference will be held at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia (approximately 4-hour drive from UAH) from Wednesday, April 10 to Saturday, April 13, 2019. The Travel Award will cover registration, hotel and transportation. Miscellaneous costs must be covered by the student.

NCUR is an annual student conference dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study. The conference will bring together more than 4,000 undergraduate researchers and their faculty mentors.

Young scholars from institutions of higher learning from all corners of the academic curriculum and their mentors attend the three-day conference, which offers a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement. It provides models of exemplary research and scholarship and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education.


  • Current full-time student, in good standing, and not graduating before Spring 2019
  • No outstanding disciplinary issues
  • All majors are eligible 
  • This award is available to ANY eligible student (Honors and non-Honors)
  • To be considered for the Travel Award,  students MUST submit an application for the award by the abstract submission deadline (December 4, 2018) 
  • Students who do not submit an application for the Travel Award by December 4 will NOT be eligible for the award even if they are accepted by NCUR

Travel Award Application


Eligible students who are accepted by NCUR AND who have submitted an application for the Travel Award will be considered by a university-wide committee for the 10 awards. Since there are a limited number of spots, students applying for the Travel Award are committing to presenting at the conference, if selected. Students selected by NCUR, but not selected for the Travel Award are encouraged to seek other funding opportunities for attending the conference.

Students receiving the Travel Award will be excused from classes and have the ability to make up any work missed while attending the conference. 


Abstract Deadline: December 4, 2018 (for NCUR AND UAH Travel Award Application)

NCUR Website:

UAH Travel Award Application Link:

NCUR Notification: no later than January 25, 2019

UAH Travel Award Notification: no later than  February 8, 2019

Event Date:  April 10 - 13, 2019 in Kennesaw, GA

To submit an announcement, contact
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