The fall 2019 semester will be my 30th year in higher education, and it is exciting to be kicking off a new academic year. There is nothing more thrilling to me than the energy created as students go through the annual ritual of move-in day into our residence halls, watching them file into classrooms all across the campus, and seeing the excitement of discovery that they experience in the university environment.

That day is rapidly approaching and I deem it a great honor to be President of The University of Alabama in Huntsville. This university has long been an integral part of the intellectual development of this community, and everyone on this campus – faculty, staff and students - make valuable contributions to our quality of  life through advances in technological, cultural, business, education and health care activities. Collectively, these endeavors reflect the mission of modern higher education – teaching, research, and service.

I offer this welcome to our new faculty, staff, and students, as well as a  welcome back to current members of the UAH community. I am excited  about the opportunity to meet many of you during the Freshman Convocation,  the President’s Picnic, and the Fall Picnic for faculty and staff. I also look  forward to meeting with colleagues in the colleges and academic support  units as outlined by Provost Curtis in a previous email.

Go Chargers!

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