Please consider teaching a section of Honors 301.

HON 301 is an open topic seminar for up to 15 Honors Students. At only 1 credit hour, it does not overly burden your teaching load, and the Honors College encourages great flexibility and creativity in how you structure your course. Instruction should be at the level of an intensive introductory course. Some sample courses from recent years are listed at the end of this email.

Benefits of teaching this course include:


  • Leading a small seminar with outstanding students
  • Teaching something you know and love but rarely get to talk about
  • Potential to recruit students into your field, either as undergraduates or graduates
  • A chance to try out a new course idea or to teach a course connected to your research
  • An opportunity to earn professional development funds

The Honors College will happily accept proposals for 1 credit-hour HON 301 courses for Spring 2020 up until September 1, 2019. Proposals should include: 


  • The topic of the course explained in a few sentences that would appeal to students.
  • A potential reading list (if appropriate - HON 301 sections do not require texts can be all discussion, all lecture, or use other media besides text)
  • A rough outline of the specific topics to be covered in the course.
  • A short summary of the possible assignments
  • A brief explanation of the goals and learning outcomes of the course

The proposal should be no more than 2 pages total and should be submitted electronically to the Honors Dean at The Honors Dean and Honors Council will review proposals and decide which ones to offer based upon the quality of the proposal and the proposed course’s potential fit with current offerings. If a course is not accepted for Spring 2020, Honors would still be willing to consider it for a later semester. Faculty who submitted proposals last year that were not accepted are encouraged to submit revised proposals. Honors 301 is typically taught as an overload, with overload pay coming from the Honors College. Please note that approval from both your Department Chair and Dean will be required before the course is fully approved. Please direct any questions to the Honors College Dean.

Selected past seminar titles:

Robot Ethics

Economics of Beer

Rapid Prototyping with Raspberry Pi

Bhagavad Gita: Yoga Philosophy and Practice

Boom! Kapow! Bravo! Theater and Comic Books

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