UAH staff elect twelve (12) senators each year to fill opening Staff Senate seats. Of the twelve senators selected, six (6) will be selected from the following Divisions: 

  • Academic Affairs
  • Advancement/President’s Office/Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI)
  • Facilities & Operations
  • Finance & Administration
  • Research
  • Student Affairs 

The remaining six (6) seats will be filled with At-Large senators from the eligible staff community.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

Please complete your ballot by choosing one candidate from your respective Division, and six candidates from the At-Large pool. The ballot will close on Friday, May 1st at 5pm.

Successful candidates will be announced via email. For more information about the Staff Senate, visit our website.

Have a great week!

UAH Staff Senate


To submit an announcement, contact
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