**SEPTEMBER 2020 PCard Transactions MUST BE ALLOCATED in Regions Intersect by 9:00am, Thursday, October 1, 2020, or they will be allocated to your default Org Code.**

In order to meet the deadline for Fiscal Year-End, all SEPTEMBER 2020 transactions MUST be allocated (online) in Regions Intersect by 9:00am on Thursday, October 1, 2020. In order to meet the deadline, there will be no time to send reminders. If your transactions are not allocated by 9:00am on Thursday, October 1, 2020, those remaining transactions will be allocated by the PCard Team and charged to the default Org Code on file. Any corrections will have to be made via the budget transfer process. Remember, you may allocate transactions in Intersect at any time during the month. It is highly advisable to allocate as much as you can prior to the end of the month to avoid missing the deadline.

Reconcilers, the deadline for submitting the Blue Envelope to us has been extended to Friday, October 9, 2020. 

Thank you for your assistance!

To submit an announcement, contact omc@uah.edu.
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