Dear Colleagues,

It is time to nominate your colleagues for the 2021 awards for excellence.  We are attaching detailed information for the nominations and awards for the following categories:

  • University Distinguished Teaching Award for Faculty
  • University Distinguished Research and Creative Achievement and Scholarly Performance Award for Faculty
  • University Researcher of the Year Award for Researchers in Research Centers
  • Graduate Mentor Award
  • Graduate Advisor Award
  • Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Mentor Award
  • College Outstanding Faculty Member Award (Each College)

These are important and prestigious awards.  Please take the time to nominate your colleagues or self-nominate.  Please read the guidelines carefully and note the deadlines for submission.  We look forward to receiving excellent nominations for the 2021 Awards for Excellence.

Awards for Excellence Memorandum

Awards for Academic Mentors

College Outstanding Faculty Award Memorandum

To submit an announcement, contact
More info