As UAH continues to transition to normal operations, please note the following updates and reminders regarding our return to campus plans and COVID-19 health and safety requirements.

  • Offices should be open with staff available by May 10 with remote work options phasing out by June 1. COVID-related changes to employee work schedules and/or locations end June 1. Employees may apply for medical or disability-related accommodations under pre-pandemic benefits and programs.
  • Starting May 10, students, faculty, staff and visitors will no longer use Charger Healthcheck to access campus as UAH is discontinuing use of the tool. In the event you experience a COVID symptom or exposure after discontinuing Charger Healthcheck, contact Human Resources at or 256.824.6545.
  • As a reminder, the Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Expanded Family and Medical Leave (EFML) benefit expires June 30. When federal COVID benefits expired at the end of 2020, UAH provided faculty and staff campus-funded 2021 EPSL and EFML as a special temporary benefit through June 30.

We appreciate the dedication, flexibility and resolve shown by UAH employees over the last year. If you have any questions related to your return to your campus workspace, please talk with your supervisor or contact Human Resources (, 256.824.6545)

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