The Staff Senate would like to take this opportunity to welcome each of our new and returning staff members back for what promises to be another rewarding academic year. Each of you rose to the challenges presented during the past year, and we are confident that we will continue to work together to keep our UAH community strong.

The Staff Senate is composed of 24 members, who serve as the representative voice for all University staff members. Our mission is to create a more connected and engaged community through service, education, and advocacy. To learn more about what we can do for you, visit our website where our meeting minutes are always available.

As we begin to settle into the fall semester, remember that there are many resources available to you on campus. These are highlighted in our Reference Guide. Keep it handy to quickly access helpful information.

For health and safety updates, click here.

Don’t forget that the Staff Senate is here for you! Please feel free to contact us at any time! Each spring, you will have the opportunity to let us know how well we are serving you simply by responding to a short survey. Your feedback is vitally important in guiding our efforts each year.

Additionally, you are always welcome to join us at our monthly meetings. We are happy to serve and proud to represent you!


With Charger Pride,

Your 2021-2022 Staff Senate

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