Come see us at the Health and Wellness Fair October 13th 11a-2p in the CTC. We will have some great goodies and vouchers for free blood pressure and glucose checks!

Stay Active and Get Outside! North Alabama has so many places to walk, bike, hike, and play that are just begging you to come outside and enjoy the bright colors that are about to explode! Have you ever checked your average daily screen time on your phone? We challenge you to do so right now. Can you set aside at least 30 minutes of your screen time and grab a friend, family member, or take some “me time” to take in some fresh air and get moving? Not only is walking around UAH’s campus beautiful, but also a jaunt around your neighborhood will benefit you in so many ways. It boosts mood, energy levels, endorphins (the happy neurochemicals), and strengthens muscles and bones. For more beautiful places to move, see the following lists:

Eat Healthy! Soups, roots, and fruits to enjoy this fall can be found at some of the area’s farmer’s markets. Some veggies that are peaking this season include butternut and spaghetti squash, pumpkin-of course, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, arugula, turnips, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and more! Some delicious fruits include apples, pears, cranberries, persimmons, figs, pomegranates, grapes, blackberries, dates, kumquats, quinces and plums.

Prioritize! Prioritize your health and self-care. According to the American Psychiatric Association, about 5% of the population experience a phenomenon called SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is a form of depression that can last from mid-late fall through 40% of the year and is associated with the decreasing sunlight. It can also affect and worsen depression in individuals who already deal with depression. Be sure to take a minute to do a “self check-in.” With all the wonderful chaos of the season, it’s easy to forget to make sure YOU are doing well. Prioritize what is really important to you, be intentional about getting enough sleep, and reach out for help if you are having trouble. For more information and symptoms of SAD, visit

Have Fun!& Fall sends an exciting buzz in the air. Here are some ways to shake up routine and create unique memories that will keep your cup full far beyond the fall season:

Don’t forget that the small things are fun and meaningful too. Cooking or baking, gardening or creating, spending time with the people and activities you love. There’s no wrong answer!

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