
The inaugural UAH Research Horizons Celebration will showcase research, creative projects and scholarly work by UAH student researchers


In cooperation with each of the university's colleges, The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Office of Academic Affairs plans to hold its first campus-wide display of student research in conjunction with Honors Convocation in April 2015.

"Our students are involved in a lot of research, creative projects and scholarly activity with faculty, research staff and local stakeholders," says Dave Cook, coordinator of student research programs for the Office of Academic Affairs. "Dissemination of the results of their work is an essential element of research, and this event will provide experience presenting ideas in the format used by many academic conferences. It also creates a forum for students to discuss cutting-edge research and creative topics with peers, faculty, research staff, administrators, family and the local community."

The inaugural UAH Research Horizons Celebration will showcase research, creative projects and scholarly work by UAH student researchers across all academic disciplines and departments. Student submissions will be judged and cash prizes awarded. Outstanding faculty and research staff mentors will be recognized for their work with student researchers, as well.

"We're also planning to have other activities throughout the rest of the week to foster a community of student research scholars, and provide opportunities for any student to explore research and academic disciplines outside their own experiences," says Cook.

Information on how to be part of the first Research Horizons Day Celebration will be coming soon and student researchers from all disciplines and majors that have completed research or creative projects under the mentorship of faculty or research staff during the 2014 academic year are encouraged to apply.


Dave Cook

To submit an announcement, contact omc@uah.edu.
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