business administration building

The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) College of Business Administration and The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology will co-sponsor the Spring 2015 Entrepreneurs Roundtable on Monday, March 16.

The roundtable will feature three recognized life science entrepreneurs who will come together on the UAH campus for a candid, engaging and informative panel discussion on the unique opportunities and industry challenges in the field of biotechnology startups.

"The Business of Biotech at HudsonAlpha" will be presented at 5:30 p.m. in the Chan Auditorium, located in the College of Business Administration Building (room 125). The free event will also include a question-and-answer session and a reception.

"Because HudsonAlpha is dedicated to growing the life science industry in Alabama, initiatives such as this roundtable give companies at HudsonAlpha the opportunity to share and invest what they have learned with future and upcoming biotech leaders," said Carter Wells, Vice President for Economic Development at HudsonAlpha.

Guest panelists for the 2015 spring roundtable include:

  • Marshall Schreeder | Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Conversant Bio
    Mr. Schreeder is the co-founder of Conversant Bio, a leading human tissue specimen supplier to pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and research facilities. He has also worked with private equity and leveraged finance groups where he funded buyout, recapitalization, and expansion opportunities for healthcare, media, and telecommunication companies.
  • Randall Moreadith | President and Chief Executive Officer, Serina Therapeutics
    Dr. Moreadith has published more than 50 scientific papers and multiple book chapters. He is an inventor on four patents and has received numerous awards for his achievements in the field of clinical and drug development.
  • Gwen Fewell | Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder, TransOMIC
    Dr. Fewell has more than 10 years experience in startup and biotechnology companies in the life science research market. She is a domain expert in both the technologies and market dynamics.

For more information about the UAH Spring 2015 Entrepreneurs Roundtable, please Email:




Joyce Anderson-Maples

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