UAH Office of Diversity hosts HAICI Forum: "Charleston, A Faith Response and a Different Outcome" Sep 21, 2015 The UAH Office of Diversity in partnership with the Huntsville Area Inclusive Community Initiative (HAICI) will host a public forum at the Charger Union Theater on Thursday, Oct. 1, at 6:30 p.m. ... UAH welcomes Dr. Shannon Mathis, Department of Kinesiology, College of Education Sep 14, 2015 Strength training to become a professional mountain bike racer led to a new career in exercise science for mathematician, Shannon Mathis. ... UAH hosts Sixth Annual iFEST of North Alabama Sep 14, 2015 UAH will host the sixth annual International Festival (iFEST) of North Alabama, on Saturday, Sept. 26, from 9:30 a.m., until 5 p.m., on the grounds of the University Fitness Center (UFC). ... Bachelor of Arts in Theatre one of several new degree programs to be offered by UAH Sep 14, 2015 This fall, The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) will award its first Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre. It's a milestone moment for the university's Theatre Program, which has experienced solid growth since its inception under the overs... UAH student helps preserve town’s past for future generations Sep 11, 2015 With Alabama just a few years from its 200th anniversary as a state, the Alabama Bicentennial Commission (ABC) is laying the groundwork for a celebration worthy of such a momentous milestone. And helping in that effort is Hannah Delp, a senior comm... 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143