engineering distance learning

The College of Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) will host its third offering of "Chemical Engineering: Review of Enabling Sciences Through Problem Solving." Presented entirely online, this free nine-week course will begin on March 23 and be taught by Dr. Krishnan Chittur, Professor of Chemical & Materials Engineering at UAH.

The course's objective is to review essential concepts and ideas from four enabling sciences that contribute to a chemical engineering education: chemistry, mathematics, physics, and biology. Participants will be introduced to problems that chemical engineers are asked to solve and will explore why these four enabling sciences are required to solve them.

Dr. Chittur has more than 25 years of problem-solving experience in the fields of medicine and biology. Career highlights include using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to understand the relationship between biomaterial surface properties and protein adsorption, and co-writing a proposal that led to the creation of UAH's Ph.D. program in Biotechnology Science and Engineering. His current research focuses on gene expression and medical diagnostics.

This course is intended to benefit anyone considering engineering as a future course of study and there are no prerequisites to enroll; however, a junior or senior standing in high school is recommended. Participants who complete the minimum criteria required to "pass" the course will not receive academic course credit, but will receive a certificate of completion.