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As you adjust from in-person to on-line learning and virtual appointments, we wanted to share some tips to help you finish the semester strong and remain focused on your career goals!

Keep your Semester Routine on Track

Do your best to maintain the course schedule and routine that you had before. If your 8 am class has transitioned to video recordings that you can watch at any time, try to watch them during your scheduled class time anyways.  Sure it would be nice to sleep in, but you’ve already adjusted to this schedule--stick with it to maintain your focus. When you’re "in class" focus on class. If you wouldn’t (and you shouldn’t) be texting or DMing friends during a live class, don’t do it in a virtual class either!

Career-wise, if you’d planned to meet with a Career Coordinator, submit your resume, or brush up on your interview skills--we’re still here to help!  The Career Services team is reviewing each resume submitted through Charger Path and providing feedback to students and alumni. This is also a great time to work on your video interview or phone interview skills.  Video and phone interviews are becoming more and more common for first interviews, and we can help you ace them! You can schedule a virtual appointment in Charger Path for any of our services!

Find your place!

Find a quiet place that keeps you motivated instead of distracted and make that your learning from home zone. If space allows, keep that space just for school or career related work.  This will help you create a work/life balance! 

Finding a space is especially important when video is involved!  Look for a space where you can minimize background distractions and noise.  If you’re in a live course, mute yourself to minimize keyboard, family, or pet noises in the background.  

You’ll also want to be aware of your background.  Your professor or future employee don’t need to see pictures of your nights out with friends, your unmade bed, or anything else that doesn’t appear professional behind you on the screen.

Take time for yourself

Adjusting to your new routine, especially with others quarantined in the house with you will take some time.  Establish your routine and plan time for yourself if you need it. During the course of a normal day at school, you’d walk to class or across campus each day. So, set aside some time to walk outdoors (while keeping your social-distance) or work out at home. There are a number of gyms and trainers offering free virtual classes on a variety of platforms. The University Fitness Center is also live-streaming some of their group fitness classes via Facebook.

Establish boundaries for both yourself and others. Remind siblings, and perhaps even your parents, that you are still “in school” and need time to focus.  Let phone calls go to voicemail if you need to focus. Set up a shared family calendar and schedule your courses and other appointments in there so others will know when you’re busy.


Good luck and we're here to help if you need us!